Next Day Delivery Available
DVLA Registered
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Check our FAQs for the most popular questions that people ask when buying replacement number plates. If your query isn't answered here, please contact us directly to discuss.
Yes. All of the number plates that we produce here at Quick Plates have all of the necessary legal markings. This includes all of the information that the relevant authorities will need in order to trace the company that produced your number plates. This means that we are confident that we are producing number plates for you that are entirely road legal.

As a registered number plate supplier, at Quick Plates, we adhere to the rules and regulations set out by the DVLA. You can check our postcode on the DVLA registered number plate supplier database

This means that you can buy your number plate from us in the confidence that you will be entirely road legal, and that the correct fonts and spacing is used on your number plate.

As we are a DVLA registered number plate supplier, we are required to see evidence of your identity and that you are legally allowed to use the registration plate we are supplying you. While we appreciate that this may be inconvenient, we aim to make the process as quick as easy as possible.

Checking your identity and the right to use the number plate ensures is vital and a legal requirement.

  • To confirm your identity we require one of the following:
    • A Driving License
    • A utility bill or a council tax statement dated within the last 6 months.
    • A Bank or building society statement dated within the last 6 months.
    • A national identity card
  • To confirm the ownership of the vehicle you are obtaining new plates for, we require one of the following pieces of documentation:
    • A vehicle registration certificate (V5C, V5CNI)
    • The new keeper supplement (V5C/2, V5C/2NI)
    • Certificate of entitlement to the number (V750, V750NI)
    • A retention document (V778)
    • A renewal reminder for vehicle tax or SORN (V11 or V11NI)
    • A temporary registration certificate (V379 or V379NI)
    • A number plate authorisation certificate (V948) with an official stamp from the DVLA or from the DVSA
    • An electronic number plate authorisation certificate (eV948)

You can send your documents to us via post, email, or upload them through the online order form. If you have any questions about the identity or registration documents we are required to see from you, please get in touch.

All orders made before 1:30 pm on Monday to Friday will be dispatched on the same day, and any orders made after this time will be dispatched the following day. Orders that are received over the weekend will be processed and dispatched the following Monday.

Economy delivery will usually arrive within three to five working days of dispatch.

First-class tracked will usually arrive on the next working day after dispatch, though it can take up to three days.

Incorrect spacing on license plates carries a fine of up to £1,000 for the owner of the vehicle, and will also result in an MOT failure. As Quick Plates are a DVLA registered number plate supplier, we only print number plates in accordance with these regulations and will ensure that your plates are fully road legal. Any attempts at using any incorrect spacing through our system will mean lead to us correcting them to match the correct legal spacing.

The position of drill holes will vary between makes and models of vehicles. For this reason, plates will be sent without drill holes.

There are a number of different options when it comes to fixing your number plates to the vehicle. One option is to use adhesive sticky pads, another would be to use a fitting kit.

To fix your new number plates to your vehicle, you can either use adhesive pads. This is the simplest option as it requires no drilling.

Alternatively, you could buy a fitting kit that will include all of the necessary fixtures required to fit your number plate.

If you are using screws to attach your plate, you may want to use your old plate as a template to work out where the screws will be attached.

Quick plates sell replacement plates for any vehicle. As long as you own the number plate, or have permission from the owner of the registration, then you can buy any number plate from us. We’ll verify that the plates are owned by you before we make them for you, and as such as will ask for proof of ownership and ID.

We do not sell personalised registrations. However, once you obtain your personalised registration documents, if you can provide us with the relevant registration information to prove that you own the number plate, we will be happy to produce your personalised plates for you.

Very often businesses need to make a bulk order of different plates. We’re happy to help in these circumstances. Please get in touch if you are interested in making bulk orders or are looking to make regular purchases and we can talk through.
You can place your order with us via our website, or over the phone. Please feel free to get in touch and we’ll do everything we can to help you get the number plates you need.
Often, orders are printed immediately after they have been received and in some circumstances, it may not be possible to cancel or refund an order once it has been made. If you do need to amend or cancel your order, get in touch as soon as possible, ideally within the first hour after the order. In the event that the plates have not yet been made, we will be able to provide you with a refund minus an admin fee.